Different methods to create arrays in C++ are overviewed: c-style array, pointer array, std::vector, std::array, and Boost multiarray. How the memory is managed by each style and also their practical usage is discussed.
Non-contiguous containers like list and deque are not studied here.
C array
A contiguous array can be created by []
operator. An array of five integers is defined as
int a[5];
The size of an array needs to be known during compilation. Therefore, a constant number or constant expression can be used to create the array.
constexpr int GetSize(int n){
return n*n;
int main(){
int m[GetSize(5)]; // m is array of 25 elements
Multidimensional arrays are defined with multiple []
operators. A two-dimensional (2D) array with 3 rows and 2 columns is defined as
int x[3][2];
This array is contiguous in the order that the last index increments:
Layout order in memory
So for the best performance, the array should be accessed firstly by its last index:
for (auto i=0; i<3;i++)
for (auto j=0; j<2; j++)
do something with x[i][j]
If the array is defined within a function, the memory is allocated on the stack which is on nowadays computers in the order of 1 MB. So, this definition should be used for small size arrays.
For memory management, no action is required by a coder, C++ automatically gets rid of the array when goes out of scope.
There are assignment situations that a C-style array decays to a pointer type, T*
, so it loses the type and size information, see this stackoverflow discussion.
A contiguous array can be created using a pointer on the heap with the keyword new
and operator []
. An array of 5 integers on the heap:
int* arr = new int[5];
The size of the array can be decided during runtime.
If this array is defined within a function, the pointer itself, arr
, is placed on the stack but the array memory is allocated on the heap.
Multidimensional arrays can be defined with pointer to pointers:
int** arr2d = new int*[3]; // head of rows
for (auto i=0;i<3;j++)
arr2d[i] = new int[2];// columns
While columns of each row are contiguous on the memory. The rows are not guaranteed to be one after the other on the memory.
The array’s memory needs to be managed by a coder. They can be deleted as:
// 1D array
delete[] arr;
// 2D array
for (auto i=0;i<3;j++)
delete[] arr2d[i]; // delete columns
delete[] arr2d; // delete head of rows
Pointer but contiguous
Multidimensional arrays made with pointer-to-pointers type weren’t completely contiguous. One trick to fix this is
int row=3, col=2;
int** arr2d = new int*[row]; // head of rows
arr2d[0] = new int[row*col]; // Allocates all elements
for (auto i=1;i<row;j++)
arr2d[i] = arr2d[0][i*col];// columns
It is the C++11 adaptation of C-array. It is as fast as C-array, has the features of standard containers, and is not decayed to T*
. The size of the array needs to be known at compile-time. It will be allocated contiguously on the stack if defined within a function. The array’s memory is managed by C++, it is destroyed automatically when it goes out of scope.
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
int main(){
std::array<int, 3> x = {3,1,2};
std::cout<< x.size(); // 3
std::sort(x.begin(), x.end());
for (auto& item:x)
std::cout<<item; // 1 2 3
return 0;
std::array is an aggregate, therefore it has no non-static private and protected members.
A multidimensional array is defined by setting the array’s object type as an array. A 2D array is defined as
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
int main(){
typedef array<int,2> Row;
array<Row, 3> y { {{1,2},{3,4},{5,6}} };
cout<< y.size()<<endl; // 3 rows
cout<<y[0].size()<<endl; // 2 columns
cout<<y[2][1]<<endl; // 6, accessing elements
for (auto i=0; i<3; i++)
for (auto j=0; j<2; j++)
cout<< &y[i][j]<<endl; // writing memory addresses
return 0;
Looking at the memory addresses of elements, we see they are contiguously placed in the memory. The addresses are incremented by 4 units in the hex system. When we have an array of arbitrary objects, depending on the type of the object, a compiler may add padding bytes between objects in memory.
Vector is a standard container that can create an array of contiguous objects on the heap. The array is dynamic: objects can be added or removed during runtime. The memory of a vector is managed by C++, when it goes out of scope, all the elements are automatically destructed. Note that if the elements are raw pointers, only raw pointers are removed but their target memory is untouched.
#include <iostream>
int main(){
std::vector<int> v = {3, 4};
std::cout<<v.size()<<endl; // 3
A multidimensional vector can be created by creating a vector of vectors. A 2D vector is defined in example below, then it’s first row is extended:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main(){
typedef vector<int> Row;
vector<Row> v = {{1,2},{3, 4},{5,6}};
cout<<v.size()<<endl; // 3 rows
cout<<v[0].size()<<endl; // 2 columns
cout<<"Initial vector:"<<endl;
for (auto& row:v)
for (auto& item:row)
cout<< &item<<endl; // writing memory addresses
0x1230cd0 Row[0]
0x1230cf0 Row[1]
0x1230d10 Row[2]
cout<<"Extended vector:"<<endl;
for (auto& row:v)
for (auto& item:row)
cout<< &item<<endl; // writing memory addresses
0x1230c20 Row[0]
0x1230cf0 Row[1]
0x1230d10 Row[2]
cout<< &v; // 0x7fff650e1ca0
return 0;
As shown, the memory is contiguous in each row but there are gaps between rows. Each row is managed independently by its own vector. To clear that up, we added more items to the first row. Subsequently, Row[0]
is allocated on a new memory location to accommodate the new elements. It happened without a change in memory locations of the other rows.
Here we notice an important difference between a vector of vectors and an std::array of std::arrays. The former can hold data structures which are rows of different sizes.
The memory addresses shown in the example above were elements of the vector, but the vector class contains a pointer to those elements along with other private members such as the capacity for vector management. So, if defined in a function, the vector object is created on the stack (see the output of &v
) but the elements are allocated on the heap. Moreover, when we create a vector of n vectors, we create n vector objects on the heap each of which containing a pointer and private members.
Boost multiarray creates a contiguous N-dimensional array which claims to be more efficient than a vector of vectors see here. To use this, you need Boost library installed. The data type and dimension (or rank) of the array needs to be known at compile-time, however, the size of multiarray in each dimension can be changed at runtime.
#include <iostream>
#include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
using namespace std;
int main()
typedef boost::multi_array<double, 3> array_type;
array_type A(boost::extents[3][4][2]);
A[0][0][0] = 10;
cout<<A[0][0][0]; //10
// reshaping the array
boost::array<array_type::index,ndims> dims = {{4, 3, 2}};
// Resizing the array
Custom nD array
We can create and customize our array based on the requirement of our program. Let’s create a 2D array of points. Each point has a position (x,y), temperature, and velocity (Vx, Vy). The points and their data must be contiguous in memory.
We add the headers first
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
The point contains the data requested. I used std::array
instead of std::vector
for position and velocity to ensure their data stay within the point structure.
struct Point{
array<double, 2> Position = {0,0};
array<double, 2> Velocity = {0,0};
double Temperature = 0;
Now we can create the custom container, Grid
struct Grid{
Grid(size_t sizeX_, size_t sizeY_)
Point& operator() (size_t ix, size_t iy){
return points[GetIndex(ix,iy)];
size_t GetIndex(size_t ix, size_t iy){
return iy + ix*sizeY;
size_t GetSizeX() {return sizeX;}
size_t GetSizeY() {return sizeY;}
size_t sizeX;
size_t sizeY;
vector<Point> points;
Let’s define a function that shows the memory addresses of members of a point
void ShowMemory(Point& point){
double* ptr[3];
ptr[0] = &point.Position[0];
ptr[1] = &point.Velocity[0];
ptr[2] = &point.Temperature;
for (auto& item:ptr)
And finally, we test the custom array:
int main(){
Grid grid(3,2);
// Accessing elements
grid(0,0).Temperature = 100;
grid(0,0).Velocity[0] = 1.0;
grid(0,0).Velocity[1] = 2.0;
cout<<grid(0,0).Temperature<<endl; //100
cout<<grid.GetSizeX()<<endl; // 3
// Memory layout
for (auto ix=0;ix<grid.GetSizeX();ix++)
for (auto iy=0;iy<grid.GetSizeY();iy++){
cout<<"point "<<ix<<","<<iy<<endl;
point 0,0
point 0,1
point 1,0
point 1,1
point 2,0
point 2,1
Note the memory addresses are contiguous.
Which array is the best?
If you are working with old legacy codes, there is not much flexibility; you are confined to C-style and pointer arrays. However, if you have options, use modern C++ features:
- std::vector: If not sure, this one is the first pick. For any-size contiguous arrays whose size can be changed during runtime.
- std::array: for small and fixed-size arrays and creating objects which contain the array data.
- Custom array: to create multidimensional full contiguous data using std::vector and std::array.
- vector of vectors: for row-column data structures with dynamic contiguous data in each row, but rows are not one after the other in memory.
- Boost multiarray: if Boost library available, this one is preferred than writing a custom multidimensional array.