How Inversion of Control improves flexibility of numerical codes?


When programming, it’s very convenient to create class A which has a concrete member class B. However, this creates a tightly-coupled system since any change in B should be reflected in A. Inversion of control forces class A only uses abstract class/ interface of B, so we have a loosely-coupled system.

language: C#

Numerical Example

Finding roots of functions are very common in numerical applications. In the below code, Analysis needs to find the pressure of a system using Bisection method:

class Bisection{
    public double Error;
    public double FindRoot(){ ... }

class Analysis{
        _bisection = new Bisection();
    private Bisection _bisection;
    public void FindPressure(){
        return _bisection.FindRoot();
    public void GetPressurePrecision(){
        return _bisection.Error;

After some runs you notice Bisection is slow for some systems and you want to have a second option of Secant method. However, Bisection method is hard-coded in Analysis class. FindRoot() must be a member of class Bisection and Error is directly accessed.

Probably, the first thing comes to mind is to create SecantAnalysis class which copies everything of Analysis class except Bisection member. Don’t do that! do not deviate from OOP design to procedural programming.


To make the classes loosely coupled we use an interface that one implements and the other has as member. We find the members and methods of Bisection that Analysis uses: FindRoot() and Error. We extract an interface for it:

interface IRootFinder{
    double Error {get; set;}
    double FindRoot();

We expect any root-finder algorithm provide these two features. Please note, Error is now a property, i.e. wrapped in a getter and setter. Therefore, its accessibility can be modified in a concrete class.

Now lets re-write our classes

class Bisection : IRootFinder{
    public double Error {get{...} set{...}};
    public double FindRoot(){ ... }

class Analysis{
    Analysis(IRootFinder rootFinder){
        _rootFinder = rootFinder;
    private IRootFinder _rootFinder;
    public void FindPressure(){
        return _rootFinder.FindRoot();
    public void GetPressurePrecision(){
        return _rootFinder.Error;

Now class Analysis is only dependent on an interface and doesn’t know about concrete implementation of that interface. So we can say Analysis and Bisection are loosely coupled. The usage of Analysis is changed as a concrete root-finder needs to be injected in its constructor.

To show the flexibilities better let’s create Secant class

class Secant : IRootFinder{
    public double Error {get{...} set{...}};
    public double FindRoot(){ ... }

For example, we know high pressure systems converge better with Bisection and low pressure systems work better with Secant:

HighPressureSystem = new Analysis(new Bisection);
var p = HighPressureSystem.FindPressure();
var err = HighPressureSystem.GetPressurePrecision();

LowPressureSystem = new Analysis(new Secant);
var p = LowPressureSystem.FindPressure();
var err = LowPressureSystem.GetPressurePrecision();

We have the same class of Analysis but injected different root-finders. We can define any number of root-finders without touching class Analysis.


The idea keeps codes clean, extendable, and maintainable. Inversion of control can be used along with a factory class which creates the desired instance of RootFinder.

These are simplified examples, but the idea is easily applicable to more complex cases.


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