In C++ values are divided into different categories. Knowing them helps us understand the compiler’s behind the scene actions and optimise them to our benefit.
In older than C++11, a value was either rvalue or lvalue. An lvalue was anything that could be at the left-hand side (LHS) of an assignment, =
, operator. An rvalue was anything
that is allowed to be on the right-hand side (RHS) of an assignment but not LHS.
int y = 5;
So in the example above y
is an lvalue and 5
is an rvalue. Because a statement like 5 = y
is not allowed.
In modern C++, things got a bit more complex, nowadays we have lvalue, prvalue and xvalue.
Generally, a named variable that we can have it on the LHS of an assignment:
int y = 10; // y is lvalue
double m = 1.5; // m is lvalue
int* p = new int{5}; // p is lvalue
*p = 4; // *p is lvalue too
int a[5];
a[1] = 10; // array element is lvalue
int& r = y; // r is lvalue reference
In the above example, r is called lvalue reference. It is an alias for an lvalue. In other words, it binds to an lvalue. So, the RHS of an lvalue reference must be an lvalue.
int& r = 5; // Error, 5 is not an lvalue
A prvalue or pure rvalue can only be at the RHS of an assignment.
For example, literals
int x = 2; // 2 is prvalue
string name = "Jack"; // "Jack" is prvalue
bool a = true; // true is prvalue
A temporary object is created with a literal, then it is passed to the LHS or lvalue.
RHS expressions that have an outcome due to some operations are rvalues
int x=1,y=1;
int a, b, c;
double d;
a = x+y; // the outcome of x+y is prvalue
b = -x; // -x is prvalue
c = x+1; // x+1 is prvalue
d = (double) c; // cast is prvalue
In the above example, x+y
, -x
, x+1
, and (double)c
are calculated first which result in temporary objects.
The objects are then passed to the copy assignments. The rvalue objects are destructed after assignment i.e.
when we reach ;
the rvalues are destructed.
The result of a function returning by value is prvalue:
int f(int i){ return i;}
int x = f(5); // the outcome of f(5) is rvalue
Objects which are created without names
class A{};
A y;
y = A{}; // the object A{} is rvalue
The list of prvalues is longer than this but a simple test to know if an RHS is prvalue is to switch LHS with RHS, and seeing whether it makes sense:
A{} = y; // doesn't make sense.
rvalue reference
An lvalue reference or simply a reference can bind to another lvalue
int x;
int& y =x;
We have the same for rvalues. An rvalue reference is defined as T&&
and it only binds to rvalues
int x;
int&& y = x; // Error: cannot bind rvalue reference to lvalue
int&& y = 5; // OK: y binds to rvalue object of 5.
y = 7; // OK: y still refering to the same memory which was 5
cout<< y; // 7
cout<< is_same<int&&, decltype(y)>::value; // true
In the previous section, I mentioned rvalues are destructed when we hit ;
, but we have an exception here.
The lifetime of rvalue 5
is extended to the lifetime of y
due to the binding.
Note that we wrote y=7
, therefore, a named rvalue reference is lvalue. To prove that see this one:
int&& y = 5;
int&& z = y; // Error: y is lvalue
We can overload a function based on a parameter being lvalue or rvalue:
void f(int& i){
cout<< "lvalue reference called";
void f(int&& i){
cout<< "rvalue reference called";
int x = 10;
int&& y =7;
f(x); //lvalue reference called.
f(5); //rvalue reference called.
f(y); // lvalue reference called
So x
and y
are lvalues, the first function is called, 5
is an rvalue so the second function is called.
move constructor: steal rvalue resource
We can improve code efficiency by making use of resources of an rvalue. I explain it with an example.
We have Player
class as
struct Player{
string name;
We have a team class with three constructors
struct Team{
goalKeeper = new Player{.name="Marc"};
Team(const Team& t){
goalKeeper = new Player{*t.goalKeeper};
Team(Team&& t){ // move constructor
goalKeeper = t.goalKeeper;
t.goalKeeper = nullptr;
~Team(){delete goalKeeper;}
Player* goalKeeper;
The first constructor is the default one. The second one constructs the object with an lvalue reference which reads the argument, t
. But the third one steals the
object of t
. We are allowed to do that because the object is an rvalue, when the constructor finishes its job, t
will be destructed. The third constructor is called move constructor. Similar behaviour can be defined for the assignment which is called move assignment.
Let’s implement the code:
int main(){
Team Barca{ Team{} };
return 0;
So, in the example above, a temporary rvalue object is created by Team{}
which calls the default constructor. The object is passed to the constructor of Barca
. Because it is an rvalue, the move constructor is called. The resources of the temporary object are moved to Barca
. After Barca
created, the temporary object is destructed.
Note standard containers have built-in move constructors.
There are situations that a programmer knows that an lvalue object will be destructed soon and wants to take its resources using a move constructor/assignment.
casts an lvalue to an unnamed rvalue reference type. Note that std::move
doesn’t move anything it is just a static cast without computational cost.
Let’s use assignment operator with rvalue reference (move assignment):
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
struct Player{
string name;
struct Team{
Team(const Team& t){
cout<<"ref ctor"<<'\n';
goalKeeper = new Player{*t.goalKeeper};
Team& operator=(const Team& t){
cout<<"ref assign"<<'\n';
goalKeeper = new Player{*t.goalKeeper};
return *this;
Team& operator=(Team&& t){
cout<<"rval assign"<<'\n';
goalKeeper = t.goalKeeper;
t.goalKeeper = nullptr;
return *this;
delete goalKeeper;}
Player* goalKeeper;
Now let’s define an lvalue object and cast it to be an rvalue:
int main(){
Team Barca{}; // default
Team Real{}; // default
Team temp{}; // default
temp.goalKeeper = new Player{.name="Marc"};
Real = temp; // ref assign
Barca = move(temp); // rval assign
// delete : temp
return 0;
} // delete delete: Barca and Real
In the above example, temp
is going out of the scope to be destructed. Before that happens, we cast temp
to rvalue reference with
then pass it to move assignment of Barca
Graduating std::move
, now we can define xvalue. An expiring value or xvalue is a value that is about to die so we can steal its resources.
The result of a function like std::move()
which returns an unnamed rvalue reference, T&&
, is an xvalue:
void f(int& i){
cout<< "lvalue reference called";
void f(int&& i){
cout<< "rvalue reference called";
int x = 10;
f(x); // lvalue reference called
f(std::move(x)); //rvalue reference called.
A cast to an rvalue reference is an xvalue:
// using previous example functions
f(static_cast<int&&>(x)); //rvalue reference called.
An expression to access a member of an rvalue object is an xvalue:
struct A{ int i=5;};
int j = A{}.i; // A{}.i is xvalue
Where to use move semantics?
The best place to take advantage of move semantics is move constructors and assignments for classes that have movable data. In this way, we avoid the deep copy of rvalues.
However, I wouldn’t employ them in every class because the speed gain would be in assignment and constructor calls. The improvement in those actions is hardly visible if we are not moving massive objects many times. On my laptop,
the deep-copy of a vector of 1 million doubles takes only 1 millisecond. Moreover, adding move constructors/assignments and std::move
, st::forward
and related commands makes the code harder to read and maintain. Furthermore, there are cases that a compiler itself reduces the number of objects created (Copy elision). So, if the performance gain is negligible move semantics are better to be avoided.
There are, of course, other scenarios. For example, if we write a generic library that is supposed to be used in other projects. It will be more likeable to others if the API of the library supports the move semantics.
int&& y = 5;
int&& z = y; // Error: y is lvalue
I tried this and got the expected compiler error 'You cannot bind an lvalue to an rvalue reference'. However the following code compiles fine:
int&& y = 5;
How could this be? z is still a named rvalue reference, hence can only bind to rvalues right? Yet y is an lvalue, further, if I had assigned y one line above, I get the error. What is happening here?int&& z = 8;
z = y;
int&& y = 5; // initialization & binding
is the initialization (construction) of the reference which binds to an rvalue, in this case, 5, which is a prvalue. So the same is OK for z too:int&& z = 8; // initialization & binding
Now both are bound and referring to unnamed memory spaces. The next steps are assignment:z=y; // assignment
So in the first line above, the memory location that z is a reference of will be filled with the value of y and in the second line with 10.z=10; // just assignment
This is exactly the same as lvalue references:
int i;
int j;
int& x=i; // binding to memory of i
int& y=j; // binding to memory of j
x=y; // assignment to memory of x (or i)