The short answer is: if all the benefits of polymorphism are used to the point that the program is compiled then static polymorphism can relatively improve the performance of the program. However, in many cases, it is a layer of complexity to the code design that better be avoided.
The long answer as follows. I start with dynamic polymorphism which is more commonplace. Then the difference between static and dynamic polymorphism is explained. And finally, I talk about where static polymorphism is useful and where is not.
Dynamic polymorphism
In OOP, dynamic polymorphism or polymorphism is to seclude a behaviour in a system that can proceed in different ways (or branches). We define each branch in a new class. For example in a geometry app, all shapes have an area but the calculation is different:
struct Shape{
virtual double CalculateArea()=0;
Then we can branch the behaviour
struct Circle: Shape{
double radius;
Circle(double r):radius(r){}
double CalculateArea() override {
return 3.14*radius*radius;
struct Square: Shape{
double side;
Square(double s):side(s){}
double CalculateArea() override {
return side*side;
We can have 3D object, Part
, with the different shapes as cross-section:
struct Part{
double height;
Shape* shape;
Part(double h):
height(h), shape(nullptr){}
double CalculateVolume(){
return height*shape->CalculateArea();
A Part
object can work with any shape. It doesn’t care about the details of a shape:
int main(){
// initialization
Square square{1.0};
Circle circle{1.0};
Part part{10.0};
// Change shape
int option = 0 ;
cout << "Choose Part: (1) cylinder (2) Box
(0) Exit program"<<endl;
cin >> option;
if (option==1)
part.shape = &circle;
else if (option==2)
part.shape = □
else if (option==0)
return 0;
throw runtime_error("Option not defined!");
// Actions on part
cout<< "Part Volume is:"<<
return 0;
In the example above, the part.shape
is changed by users during runtime without part
being destroyed. The part
and actions are not touched. That is the main advantage of dynamic polymorphism: there is no if-condition to change the path of the software at initialization and actions.
The example roughly resembles a combo box in an app with GUI. While the program is running, the user selects an option of combo-box and observes a box turns to a cylinder.
Note that it is not only user interactions that change the dynamic behaviour of a problem. There are also situations that the code is intelligent enough to decide a change of behaviour based on some criteria. For example, in a stock market app, the code dynamically changes forecast equations at different transaction levels. In a physics app, if the temperature around a solid particle goes beyond the melting point, the particle melts and follows liquid behaviour.
Static polymorphism
The static polymorphism is defined as:
template <class T>
struct Base
void DoSomething()
static_cast<T*>(this)-> DoSomethingSpecial();
struct Derived : Base<Derived>
void DoSomethingSpecial();
The static_cast
makes sure the right behavior, DoSomethingSpecial()
, is selected at compile-time. The selected behaviour can not be changed during runtime.
Let’s re-code the previous example in static polymorphisim:
template <class T>
struct Shape{
double GetArea(){
return static_cast<T*>(this)
-> CalculateArea();
struct Circle: Shape<Circle>{
double radius;
Circle(double r):radius(r){}
double CalculateArea() {
return 3.14*radius*radius;
struct Square: Shape<Square>{
double side;
Square(double s):side(s){}
double CalculateArea() {
return side*side;
template<class T>
struct Part{
double height;
Shape<T>* shape;
Part(double h):
height(h), shape(nullptr){}
double CalculateVolume(){
return height*shape->GetArea();
So far the code is not that different from the dynamic example. I implement this one in a similar scenario:
int main(){
// initialization
Square square{1.0};
Circle circle{1.0};
Part<Circle> partC{10.0};
partC.shape = &circle;
Part<Square> partS{10.0};
partS.shape = □
uint option=0;
cout << "Choose Part: (1) cylinder (2) Box
(0) Exit program"<<endl;
cin >> option;
if (option==0)
return 0;
if (option>2)
throw runtime_error("Option not defined!");
// Actions on part
cout<< "Part Volume is:";
if (option==1)
else if (option==2)
return 0;
As you see, we can write Part
with different behaviours Part<Circle>
, Part<Square>
and so on. However, they are hard-coded at runtime i.e. we cannot transform
to Part<Square>
at runtime as they are two different animals.
Now we have to have two Part
objects everywhere, or we have to destruct one and create another at the user’s request. Moreover, the if-conditions are penetrated
into actions of part
Proper usage
The static polymorphism should be used where there is no change of behaviour after compile-time. Therefore, if the code is an app that is compiled once and given to end-users to just run it, then, it is quite challenging to find a good place for static polymorphism. But if the app complies with every run, there are more possibilities for applying the idea.
So in the shape example, if the end-user at the beginning knows they need Part<Square>
for the whole calculations, they compile the simple code below and run it once:
int main(){
// initialization
Square square{1.0};
Part<Square> partS{10.0};
partS.shape = □
// Actions on part
cout<< "Part Volume is:"
<< partS.CalculateVolume() <<endl;
return 0;
Then Why?
So if the static polymorphism is limiting like that why do we bother using it when we have the dynamic one? because of Performance and metaprogramming. The dynamic polymorphism is slower because
There is an overhead in dynamically finding the right implementation at runtime. The class points to a vtable which finds the right function to be called.
The details of polymorphic functions are hidden from the compiler, so it cannot optimise the caller context with regard to the function.
To use static polymorphism, it should be somehow proven to developers that the above points are the bottleneck for a high-performance program. Even then, we have to ask ourselves is worth it dumping sweet flexibility and easy maintenance of a dynamic polymorphism code.
And finally, if we employ static polymoriphism in the context of metaprogramming (compile-time programming), you may find some beneficial use-cases like type erasure and expression templates.