I want to write code to get a table of content (ToC) for each blog post automatically. It is created and shown on the right-hand side of the content of a post. Readers can click on the desired section and the browser automatically scrolls to that section. The ToC is hidden on small screens like smartphones. I style it to be nice and clean.
At the time of writing this post, this post has a ToC on the right-hand side. But it is not visible on small screens like smartphones. So I added a video for whom it is not visible.
The HTML code of a post has different elements like top headers, titles, pictures, and so on. But we focus only on the content area to divide it into text (article
) and ToC (nav
) like the picture below

In the singl.html
file of my Hugo website, I wrap my old content in a new div
and add a new nav
section for ToC as below
<div class="article-nav" id="article-nav-id">
<article class="overlay-top">
{{ .Content }}
<nav class="hide-on-mobile section-nav">
<h3 class="ml-1">Table of contents</h3>
{{ .TableOfContents }}
I only explain the important CSS parts. To hide the ToC on small screens, I add a media query
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) {
.hide-on-mobile {
display: none !important;
To style container of article and nav, I use a grid so the left-hand side is the article and the right-hand side is the ToC.
@media only screen and (min-width: 1025px) {
.article-nav {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 15em;
max-width: 100em;
width: 90%;
margin: 0 auto;
position is very important to have a fixed in place ToC:
nav {
position: sticky;
top: 2rem;
align-self: start;
When a ToC item is marked as active
using JavaScript it will be like:
.section-nav li.active > a {
font-weight: 600;
The nav
section (ToC) is styled like below
.section-nav {
font-size: smaller;
padding-left: 0;
border-left: 2px solid #efefef;
The links of nav
are formatted as below, transition
settings make navigation smooth.
.section-nav a {
text-decoration: none;
display: block;
padding: .125rem 0;
color: #ccc;
transition: all 50ms ease-in-out;
Some styling CSS for nav
.section-nav a:hover,
.section-nav a:focus {
color: #666;
font-weight: 600;
nav > ul, ol {
list-style: none;
margin: 1rem;
padding: 0;
Add the below codes somewhere in single.html
before the last {{\end}}
line. It finds the current section on the screen, and assign class active
to its corresponding nav
item, and clears it when the section goes out of view.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
const observerForTableOfContentActiveState = new IntersectionObserver(entries => {
entries.forEach(entry => {
const id = entry.target.getAttribute('id');
if (entry.intersectionRatio > 0) {
document.querySelector(`nav li a[href="#${id}"]`).parentElement.classList.add('active');
document.querySelectorAll('h1[id],h2[id],h3[id],h4[id]').forEach((section) => {
function clearActiveStatesInTableOfContents() {
document.querySelectorAll('nav li').forEach((section) => {
I pulled this task off hugely due to codes and ideas had been put before in the below pages.
Mattias Geniar Bramus Van Damme