Using templates in C++, we can create a function or class template having a generic behaviour for different types. Therefore, we write and maintain less code.
At compile time, the compiler assesses the code and can turn a class (or function) template to multiple classes (or functions). Afterwards, at run-time, the classes create objects.
Class Template
Instead of hard-coding two similar classes, Point2dInt,
class Point2dInt{
int data[2];
int& operator[] (size_t i){
return data[i];
and Point2dString,
class Point2dString{
string data[2];
string& operator[] (size_t i){
return data[i];
we can have one class template with a generic type which can be int
, string
, and so on.
#include <iostream>
template<class T>
class Point2D{
T data[2];
T& operator[] (size_t i){
return data[i];
If the compiler only sees the above code, it doesn’t instantiate any Point2D class.
using namespace std;
int main()
Point2D<int> a; // T = int
a[0] = 1; a[1]=2;
cout<< a[0] << a[1] << endl; //12
Point2D<string> b; // T = string
b[0] = "X"; b[1] = "Y";
cout<< b[0] << b[1] << endl; //XY
However, when the compiler sees the above code, it instantiates two classes Point2D<int>
and Point2D<string>
which are similar to point2dInt
and point2dString
Values, which are needed at compile time, can be injected into a template. If we want a C-style array as the storage for the data, its size is needed at compile time
#include <iostream>
template<class T, size_t size>
class FixedArray{
T data[size];
T& operator[] (size_t i){
return data[i];
int main()
FixedArray<int,5> a;
a[0] = 8;
std::cout<< a[0] << std::endl; // 8
You can find more info about creating arrays in this post.
Function template
A function template can also be created which is dependent on a generic type
template<class T>
void Swap(T& a, T& b){
auto tmp = a;
a = b;
b = tmp;
int main()
int a =0;
int b =1;
std::cout<< a << b << std::endl; // 10
std::string x ="Hi ";
std::string y ="Jack ";
std::cout<< x << y << std::endl; // Jack Hi
For more info about auto
keyword in this example, see this post.
A function template can also be dependent on a compile-time value
#include <array>
using namespace std;
template<class T, size_t n> // n is a compile-time value
T dot(array<T, n> a, array<T,n> b){
T sum = a[0]*b[0];
for (size_t i=1;i<n;i++){
sum += a[i]*b[i];
return sum;
int main()
array<int,2> v1 = {3,2};
array<int,2> v2 = {2,3};
cout<< dot<int,2>(v1,v2) <<endl; // 12
Call function template explicitly
In the previous examples, compiler figures type T
out. But it gets confused for this case:
using namespace std;
int main()
int a=2;
double b=4;
cout<< Min(a,b) << endl; // Error: T is int or double?
To solve this, template type needs to be mentioned explicitly:
cout<< Min<int>(a,b) << endl;
Another example that the compiler cannot figure out the type is:
template<class T>
void MyCast(double d){
T a = (T) d;
std::cout<< a << std::endl;
int main()
MyCast(2.3); // Error: So what is T?
MyCast<int>(2.3); // 2 OK, T is int.
Template specialization
Sometimes the details of a template class/function need to be special for a type. For example, we define a special calculation for type string
of Min
template<class T>
T Min(T a, T b){
return a>=b?b:a;
string Min<string>(string a, string b){
auto m = a.length();
auto n = b.length();
return m>=n?b:a;
int main()
int a=2;
int b=4;
string x = "Hello";
string y = "Hi";
std::cout<< Min(a,b) << std::endl;// 2
std::cout<< Min(x,y) << std::endl; // Hi
Default types
A template parameter can have a default type
using namespace std;
template <typename T = int>
struct A{
T x=10.5;
int main(){
A<> a; // T = int
cout<< a.x; // 10
return 0;
Since C++17, it is not necessary to mention empty brackets:
A a; // equals to A<int> a;
Definition & declaration files
It’s a good practice to separate a class definition (implementation) file from its declaration file. However, a problem is that the compiler creates a class out of a template only when it sees a template specialization or a class instantiation.
//file sample.h
template<class T>
struct Sample
T Compute();
//file sample.cpp
#include "sample.h"
template<class T>
T Sample<T>::Compute(){
return T();
//file main.cpp
#include "sample.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Sample<int> s;
std::cout << s.Compute();
return 0;
sample.cpp is successfully compiled to sample.o, but it doesn’t have a clue that, in main.cpp, Sample<int>
is used, so the compiler does not create that special class. Therefore, when main.cpp is compiled with sample.o we get a linking error.
The easiest solution is to put both declaration and definition in the same file, sample.h. But it increases the size of the executable file and surpasses capabilities that separation of declaration and definition brings like solving circular dependencies.
The second solution is to inform the compiler that we need that special class
// file sample.cpp
#include "sample.h"
template<class T>
T Sample<T>::Compute(){
return T();
// This line is the key!
template class Sample<int>;
Now compiling sample.cpp, we get a sample.o containing Sample<int>
To instantiate a function template, see example below:
// abs.cpp
using namespace std;
template<class T>
auto Abs (const T& a)
size_t n = a.size();
vector<decltype(a[0]+a[1])> result(n); // decltype of prvalue to remove const &
for (decltype(n) i = 0; i < n; i++)
result[i] = a[i]>0? a[i]: -a[i];
return result;
// This is the key for function instantiation
// in the object file
template auto Abs(const vector<int>& a) ;
Store types & parameters
The types and parameters used in a template can be stored in the class by using
and static
template<size_t dim, class T>
struct Specs{
static const size_t Dim = dim; // store dim
using Type = T; // store T
In another scope, we have access to this info
template<class S>
struct Particle{
typename S::Type Position[S::Dim];// access S::Type & S::Dim
template<class S>
struct Box{
typename S::Type Extent[S::Dim]; // access S::Type & S::Dim
Note that typename
is necessary to let the compiler know S::Type
is a type. In Particle
and Box
, We can also create an alias for Specs
using Type = typename S::Type;
Type Position[S::Dim];
And the implementation is:
int main(){
using specs = Specs<3,double>;
Particle<specs> p;
Box<specs> b;
cout<< sizeof(p)<<" "<<sizeof(b)<<endl; //24 24
Note that storing template types in a class is easier to read than nested templates:
template <typename U, template <typename> class T>
struct domain{...}
Type Constraints
We can limit the types that a template can take using static_assert
, std::is_same
, and std::is_base_of
#include <type_traits>
template<class T>
class Foo
Foo() {
static_assert(std::is_same<T, int>::value, "T must be int");
int main()
Foo<int> a; // works fine
Foo<bool> b; // Error: T must be int
return 0;
From C++20, we have concept
which systematically constrains a template
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
concept IsVector = requires (T x) {
// below lines must be valid expressions
x.size(); // size() is defined.
x[0]+x[0]; // addable elements
x.push_back(0); // push_back is defined
template<class T>
requires IsVector<T> // imposing IsVector concept
T add(T a, T b) {
T c(a.size());
for (size_t i=0; i<a.size(); i++)
return c;
int main(){
vector<int> x={1,2};
vector<int> y={2,1};
auto z = add(x,y);
cout<<z[0]<<" "<<z[1]; // 3, 3
array<int,2> m={3,4};
array<int,2> n={4,3};
// auto k = add(m,n); // Error:: 'x.push_back(0)' is invalid
// auto w = add(1,2); // Error 'x.size()' is invalid
return 0;
I explained concepts
in detail in this post.
Enforcing inheritance
When inheriting from a template class, the compiler overlooks what is inherited.
template<class T>
struct Animal{
void Move(){}
template<class T>
struct Dog: Animal<T>{
void Run(){
Move(); // Error: Move() no defined!
In the example above, when Dog
is compiled, the compiler overlooks the content of Animal
because it is
dependent on T
. Therefore, it has no idea of Move()
coming from Animal
. To fix that, call the method using this
to defer the check until template instantiation:
Another fix is to declare the method:
struct Dog: Animal{
using Animal<T>::Move;
// rest...
Type Alias
Since C++11, we can define a type alias for hard to read names
using VecPoint = vector<Point<T>>
See here, I created an alias for pointers to have an ownership convention.
Metaprogramming is to write a program that writes another program. Here in C++, we use metaprogramming to create desired classes and functions at compile time. Moreover, we can target compile-time values and types. For concluding values,
I recommend before resorting to templates, have a look at constexpr
which is clean and easy to read.
We can assess and conclude types using templates, for example, const
qualifier can be dropped by
#include <type_traits>
// generic type
template<typename T>
struct RemoveConst{
typedef T type;
// const specialization
template<typename T>
struct RemoveConst<const T> {
typedef T type;
int main(){
std::cout<<std::is_same<int, RemoveConst<int>::type>::value; // true
std::cout<<std::is_same<int, RemoveConst<const int>::type>::value; // true
return 0;
The metafunction above is defined in the standard library as std::remove_const
. In most cases, metafunctions defined in <type_traits>
header such as true_type
, false_type
, conditional
, is_same
along with decltype
, if constexpr
and static_assert
meet our metaprogramming needs. For more on metafunctions see this post.
Practical Cases
Customize STL Containers
Templates are mostly used for creating custom containers. In the below example, a vector is created that can print its items on the screen. The type of items can be any that supports cout<<
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
class PrintableVector{
vector<T> data;
PrintableVector(std::initializer_list<T> list){
void Print(){
for (auto& item: data)
cout<< item<<" ";
int main() {
PrintableVector<int> a({1,3,5,7});
a.Print(); // 1 3 5 7
return 0;
A more intricate example can be found on GitHub, where I created a generic array that supports: +, -, *, /, dot product and so on.
Multidimensional space
Templates can helps us design a program with different dimensions with the same code. The below code, defines Point
in 1D, 2D, …, and nD dimensions:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template<class T, size_t size>
class Point{
T data[size];
for (auto& item: data)
item = T();
Point(std::initializer_list<T> list){
size_t i=0;
for (auto& item: list){
data[i] = item;
if (i>=size) break;
Point GetDistanceTo(Point& point){
Point distance;
for (size_t i=0;i<size;i++){
distance[i] = data[i] - point[i];
return distance;
T& operator[] (size_t i){
return data[i];
void Print(){
for (auto& item: data)
cout<< item<<" ";
int main() {
Point<int,3> a({2,2,2}); // 3D point
Point<int,3> origin({0,0,0}); // 3D point
Point<int,2> m({5,5}); // 2D point
Point<int,2> n({4,4}); // 2D point
a.GetDistanceTo(origin).Print(); // 2 2 2
m.GetDistanceTo(n).Print();// 1 1
return 0;
When we know the general behaviour of a class and we want that behaviour to be implemented, an interface can be useful. The interface becomes more flexible if it uses a template.
A rough example is shown below. We have a set of solver classes that inherit from ISolver
interface. They are always run with that interface. The outcome of these solvers needs to be visualized with Visualizer
class. However, their outcomes are different from each other: string, double, vector
To connect visualizers and solvers, we define Message
template class that represents the outcome of solvers. Visualizer
class template is also created which is specialized concerning message types. Finally, the execution and visualization of different types are handled within a simple and generic function, RunAndDisplay()
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<class T>
struct Message{
Message(T _content):content(_content){}
virtual T GetContent() {return content;}
T content;
template<class T>
struct ISolver{
virtual Message<T> Run()=0;
template<class T>
struct Visualizer{
void Show(Message<T> message){};
struct Visualizer<string>{
void Show(Message<string>& message){
cout<<"String Message: "<<message.GetContent()<<endl;
struct Visualizer<double>{
void Show(Message<double> message){
cout<<"Number Message: "<<message.GetContent()<<endl;
struct SolverA: ISolver<string>{
Message<string> Run() override{
Message<string> m("Solver A is Run.");
return m;
struct SolverB: ISolver<double>{
Message<double> Run() override{
Message<double> m(3.14);
return m;
template<class T>
void RunAndDisplay(ISolver<T>* solver){
auto m = solver->Run();
Visualizer<T> v;
int main() {
ISolver<string>* solverA = new SolverA();
ISolver<double>* solverB = new SolverB();
return 0;